Want to easily load assets on denmand but dont want to messup with bundles?
Want a tool that is very easy to prototype with and can expand for using bundles or addresables when project grows?
Flexy.AssetRefs will make your life a brease!
just declare ref in your script
public AssetRef<
assign prefab to it and the use it where you want
var boss = BossPrefab.LoadAssetSync();
it will just work in editor and minimal setup nedded to add it to build
Fully customissble AssetLoader do you can add your own usedefault one
Assetref is simple struct that store address of asset as we see it in ediotr hash128 guid and int64 internal id so in editor it load asset from assetdatabase and in runtime assetloader backend create associations for internal use. for example default AssetLoader use guid with id to load assets abd translate those into scene name to load scenes through scene manager neat qol you dont need to add scenes to scene list it will just work in editor and for build backend will do all important things like add all referenced scenes to scene list